
Implementation & Stewardship

Community Research Implementation & Stewardship Plan (CRISP)

The CRISP is a jointly-created, flexible process designed for community-led ocean data programs. Based on varied geographical needs, it guides unique stewardship plans for communities aiming to deploy ocean instruments in their coastal areas.

Community Engagement & Feedback Collection:

  1. The community fills out a Survey Monkey questionnaire.
  2. Survey Monkey generates a spreadsheet based on community responses.

Initial CRISP Document Drafting:

  1. Draft CRISP document generated.
  2. We add in the most relevant of a few standard modules.
  3. Community review, question and listening sessions, fine tune, edit.

Approval & deployment:

  1. Final, approved CRISP document generated.
  2. Deployment schedule.


The process will be available to anyone interested in sustaining ocean-observing assets in their coastal waters. The web-based* questionnaire can be completed directly by community members or community coordinators/partners.

Each community will tailor CRISPs to meet their specific needs, but common elements include:

  • Goals and metrics for success
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Training needs and opportunities
  • Permits
  • Region-specific concerns
  • Data access priorities
  • Plans to sustain the program

  • It is adaptable to any community or group interested in developing their own community ocean observing plan.
  • The community defines local project success (vision, goals, metrics).
  • Although the Backyard Buoys team is showcasing the CRISP with the Sofar Smart Mooring and Spotter wave buoy technologies, the process can be modified for other observing assets (e.g., weather sensors, current meters, water quality sensors).
  • The process bridges Indigenous knowledge and Western engineering solutions to accelerate the application of sophisticated yet easy-to-use technologies to enable autonomy in ocean observing.
  • Using a CRISP makes it easy to identify training needs and additional ocean parameters of interest that would enhance the utility of existing technologies.